Saturday, January 31, 2009

our Friday playdate

Yesterday we drove up to Oak Harbor (about a hour away) to visit a lady and her 2 children that we met in a internet mommy chat room. When I first met Tracey she lived in Florida but moved here with her husband who is in the Navy. Fun part is that Tracey is originally from Minnesota, and its so cute cause she still has her accent! Makes me a little home sick. Her son Conner is one month younger than Eli and her new son Evan is 1 week younger than Kai so it was really neat to have someone I can completely relate to in the 2 under 2 baby department. Her are some pictures of our visit.


Kristi said...

What a bunch of cuties!!

mhemrich said...

Too Cute! I love that Eli is helping with the binky in the first picture.