I thought all this would also mean spending way less this week but alas I used up my money stocking up and getting a treat for myself.
2 gallons milk - 3.96
3 chai tea mixes - 7.65
salad - 3.99
juice boxes - 8.99
grilled chicken strips - 14.45
24 eggs - 2.99
grape tomato - 6.49
14 dove soap - 12.99 tax
total = 62.63
Fred Meyer
8 pk bounty - 6.99 tax
half gallon nonfat milk - 1.25
3 pk tillamook shredded cheese - 3.00
3 pound apples - 2.30
total = 14.14
Grand Total = 76.77
I somehow feel like I failed, I didn't get a table full of food, nor did I need one. But I did get stuff we will eventually use. I know that I could have done better on the soap but didn't have any coupons anywhere nor did I want to run to another store today. I guess I can chalk today up to a learning experience that no matter how thrifty we get we all can get lazy, and in the end that costs us!
Next week will be better, I promise!
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