Okay so I feel like I have a free pass this week. I don't have to plan! Brian needs his nights to study so the kids are packing up and going to grandma and grandpa's every night this week. That means mommy is off the hook. We have plenty of breakfast and lunch stuff already in the house and I also have leftovers in the freezer so that Brian can thaw, heat and eat. I as usual will take my yummy salad with me for dinners at work.
I thought all this would also mean spending way less this week but alas I used up my money stocking up and getting a treat for myself.
2 gallons milk - 3.96
3 chai tea mixes - 7.65
salad - 3.99
juice boxes - 8.99
grilled chicken strips - 14.45
24 eggs - 2.99
grape tomato - 6.49
14 dove soap - 12.99 tax
total = 62.63
Fred Meyer
8 pk bounty - 6.99 tax
half gallon nonfat milk - 1.25
3 pk tillamook shredded cheese - 3.00
3 pound apples - 2.30
total = 14.14
Grand Total = 76.77
I somehow feel like I failed, I didn't get a table full of food, nor did I need one. But I did get stuff we will eventually use. I know that I could have done better on the soap but didn't have any coupons anywhere nor did I want to run to another store today. I guess I can chalk today up to a learning experience that no matter how thrifty we get we all can get lazy, and in the end that costs us!
Next week will be better, I promise!
5 years ago
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