So it only took 2 and a half years but I got Eli to the dentist finally. We went to a dentisit that specializes in children here in Marysville, and I am so glad I did. Dr. Lugo is awesome, and even though Eli wasnt happy about getting his teeth looked at this first time, Dr. Lugo really built a nice repor with him and I am sure next time will be easier sailing for me. Eli did like however htat you could sit in the dentist chair and watch cars, he just didnt like having to wear headphones to hear it.
Kai did great and was a super patient at only a year old! Unfortunalty since I had to hold Kai on my lap I didnt get any pictures of his visit but here are some of Eli.
Side note: I think you really have to be a special kind of person to work with kids in this kind of enviornment everyday. Big applause for Dr. Lug oand his team
Marysville Childrens DentistryOh and yes that guitar goes EVERYWHERE with us.

Yeah for a good visit!
I told you Dr Lugo was great!!! I am glad it went well.
Glad you had a great first visit!
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