Now the bittersweet part. We have had the same waitress there for 4 years. We eat there every Saturday morning like clockwork. She was has seen us "grow" as a family. She has seen us get engaged, married, pregnant twice and have two little boys. Lisa knows our orders and always greets us with a smile and a cup of coffee for us and a great big hug for Eli. She has even taken him to "help" her when he was gettig fussy so that Brian and I can finsih eating in peace. Well yesterday she wasnt there!we were given the unfortunate news that she is no longer employed there. She was close to retirerment age but I am sure she would have told us that she was leaving so something must have happened outside her control. I plan to visit her sometime this week (yes we are close enough that we know where she lives) and find out the real scoop. In the meantime we will still eat there, the food is great afterall, but it just wont be the same!
5 years ago
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